4 universities have closed indefinitely due to security concerns, with Islamabad on high alert.

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  • 4 universities have closed indefinitely due to security concerns, with Islamabad on high alert.

4 universities have closed indefinitely due to security concerns, with Islamabad on high alert—Naval University, Aviation University, National Defence University (NDU), and Quaid-e Azam University—have temporarily closed their doors due to mounting security concerns, This choice is a component of preventative steps taken to guarantee staff and student safety.

A security alert issued by law enforcement agencies has caused other schools in Islamabad to cease activities in addition to the university, People have been informed by the Inspector General of Islamabad Police that the capital`s security, law, and order situation is still under excellent control.

In reaction to the closure, the Inspector General stressed Islamabad’s prohibition on unlawful assemblies as well as the need of cooperation in preserving security, He urged people to assist while making sure that alerts are sent out to strengthen security protocols rather than to interfere with regular operations.

Islamabad Police keeps in close contact with community members and organisers to ensure that safety procedures are followed and that the community is kept informed of any updates. This proactive approach to environment maintenance keeps everyone safe.

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